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Paz de la Huerta

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Paz de la Huerta has starred in many feature films working with some of the best directors in Hollywood. To name a few they include Damian Chapa, Abel Ferrara, Jim Jarmusch, Henry Miller, Adam Shankman, Penny Marshall, Ethan Hawke, Henry Jaglom, David Arquette, Lasse Hallstrom and Griffin Dunne.Paz starred on the HBO hit series Boardwalk Empire for several seasons.She was born and raised in New York City, to a Spanish-born father and an American born mother. She has been acting at a young age, having trained with some of the best private coaches in NYC.Aside from acting, Paz is an artist, painter, poet, designer and writer who enjoys listening to punk rock, classical and Italian Opera. She has graced the fashion world working with the best designers including the late Vivienne Westwood, Zac Posen and Alberta Ferretti. She resides in New York City and Paris.
  • Cha mẹ: Judith BruceRicardo Ignacio de la Huerta y Ozores